APA102 – HAD

1 ledka obíhá dokola


/* This example shows how to make an LED pattern with a large
 * dynamic range using the the extra 5-bit brightness register in
 * the APA102.
 * It sets every LED on the strip to white, with the dimmest
 * possible white at the input end of the strip and the brightest
 * possible white at the other end, and a smooth logarithmic
 * gradient between them.
 * The dimmest possible white is achieved by setting the red,
 * green, and blue color channels to 1, and setting the
 * brightness register to 1.  The brightest possibe white is
 * achieved by setting the color channels to 255 and setting the
 * brightness register to 31.

/* By default, the APA102 library uses pinMode and digitalWrite
 * to write to the LEDs, which works on all Arduino-compatible
 * boards but might be slow.  If you have a board supported by
 * the FastGPIO library and want faster LED updates, then install
 * the FastGPIO library and uncomment the next two lines: */
// #include <FastGPIO.h>
// #define APA102_USE_FAST_GPIO

#include <APA102.h>

// Define which pins to use.
const uint8_t dataPin = 11;
const uint8_t clockPin = 12;
APA102<dataPin, clockPin> ledStrip;

// ledCount = počet LED na pásku
const uint16_t ledCount = 30;
rgb_color colors[ledCount];

void setup()

 /*OPRAVIT NA  for(uint16_t i = 0; i < ledCount; i++) */
    for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 30; i++)
      // poslat barvu na jednu LED:  Červená(0-255), Zelená(0-255), Modrá(0-255), Intenzita svitu (0-31)
      ledStrip.sendColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
   //ukončení posílání


void loop()
int Red = 255;
int Green = 0;
int Blue = 0;

int Alfa = 31;

for(uint16_t i = 0; i < ledCount; i++)
       for(uint16_t j = 0; j < ledCount; j++) {
        if( i == j){
             ledStrip.sendColor(Red, Green, Blue, Alfa);
             ledStrip.sendColor(Red, Green, Blue, 0); // Alfa = 0 .. tedy vypnuto




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